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Thursday, 22 February 2007



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 Verbal Plenary
 Preservation - Perfect
 KJV-Onlyism is a false
 witness that sows
 discord among brethren
 (Prov 6:19)

 The Perfect KJV (KJV-Onlyism, KJV Onlyism, or KJVO) heresy is an abandonment of the Historic Reformed Faith and the Westminster Confession of Faith and comes in two forms: –

·         Ruckmanism, which holds to an inspired 1611 translation (“double inspiration”) resulting in a perfect English Bible.  Where there is a discrepancy between the English and its underlying Hebrew Masoretic or Greek TR texts, the English is to be taken as more correct!?

·         Verbal Plenary Preservation, also known as KJV-VPP or VPP-KJV, which holds to an inspired perfect textual criticism or recognition in 1611 which restored the Hebrew and Greek text of the KJV to be jot and tittle identical to the Divine Original Autographs!?

Ruckmanism and KJV-VPP are estranged twin sons of Benjamin Wilkinson, a leading Seventh Day Adventist who wrote “Our AV Vindicated” in 1930.  Wherever it has gone, in whatever circles, Perfect KJV Onlyism has wrecked havoc and caused discord among brethren.

Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) has sadly not only adopted, but now champions this false Charismatic post-canonical inspiration doctrine.  FEBC cannot prove KJV-VPP – they cannot even convincingly and consistently identify the Hebrew-Greek underlying texts – but they call all who do not hold their views, “Neo-Fundamentalists”, “Neo-Evangelicals” or lacking in saving faith.  In this website, the KJV-VPP heresy is exposed and refuted with clear evidential facts and sound biblical exegesis!  It is our humble, earnest prayer that the Lord would be pleased to deliver His people from this divisive “doctrine”, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.




Useful Resources

Harold Lindsell on "The Autographs of Scripture" in Battle for the Bible

"Most evangelical writers and indeed many of the doctrinal statements that support inerrancy speak of it in connection with the autographs, that is, the original Scriptures...But in the providential care of God, He has preserved the Scriptures for us so that they have remained unadulterated, by which we mean free from error. Any student of lower criticism admits that there have been copyists' mistakes made by those who diligently sought to reproduce the books of the Bible by hand. But a copyist's mistake is something entirely different from an error in Scripture. A misspelled or a misplaced word is a far cry from an error, by which is meant a misstatement or something that is contrary to fact. Nor do evangelicals run away from the Old Testament problem due to the existence of the consonantal and the Masoretic texts. The consonantal text of the Old Testaments used only consonants, no vowels. The Masoretic text supplied the vowel points. Anyone knows that it is possible to misread some words when vowels are missing, and centuries have elapsed since the time the original material was written. But this sort of problem does not mean there are errors in the Scripture.
Furthermore, it has always been acknowledged that Hebrew numbers are a problem because the differences between the Hebrew words for a hundred and a thousand are so slight that a much handled manuscript could be misread....Textual problems today in no way make the doctrine of biblical inerrancy impossible...Anyone who has doubts about the accuracy of the Scriptures that have come down to us by transmission through copyists is misinformed. We can say honestly that the Bible we have today is the Word of God. This is not to deny the existence of textual problems...But the textual problems are minimal...Therefore the variant readings offer no embarrassment to inerrancy advocates, for they do not impinge on the question at the point of the real tension. (Battle for the Bible, Harold Lindsell, Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishers, 1976, pages 36-37)



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